Having Fun With Leftover Halloween Tortilla Chips


Charlene asks “what do you want for dinner” my response of let’s have spaghetti was answered by “these pork chops need to be cooked before they go bad”. Okay, decision made, pork chops it is. I love screwing around with dinner and trying something new but my darling wife says I go overboard and try to make a big mess. Well I don’t try to make a mess... I just manage (lol).Back to the pork chops. I was thinking mashed potatoes however potato wedges with olive oil and our favorite five spice pepper blend was put together and we decided I would do them on the Firedisc. Since I’m using the disc let’s play with the chops. Hmmmm let’s look around... ahhhh Halloween corn chips I have an idea... chicken fried pork chops made with the chips. I’ve never made that, sounds fun!!! Let’s put it together and see what happens, especially since it’s getting cold outside and the wind is about 20+ and gusty. Game on....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JLpH0uFMQ0