Bob and Bobbie Ann


The hike to Carlisle was pretty straight forward with farmers fields, lowlands, and one small hill that just popped up outta nowhere. We passed a few highways, streets, and the PA Turnpike later we arrived at Hwy 11. Turn left, walk a short distance and there was Bobbie waiting for us at the John Deer dealer. There are “Trail Angels” and there are real Angels. Bobbie is one of these and so is her husband Bob aka Buckle Bob. Bob and Bobbie have a pre-war farm and by that I mean it was built in 1743. These wonderful people have been friends of Ray and Charlene since Ray had brown hair (Bob and Bobbie used to own Bob’s Saddle Shop on Rte 206). We settled in had a great dinner and a fabulous nights sleep. The next day both Charlene and Ray were taken by Bobbie an hour into Urgent Care, seems my hiking partners had developed respiratory infections. Our Angels Bob and Bobbie feed us, put a roof over our heads, gave us tours and lessons on the Amish and Mennonites, and were just plain old good friends for 5 days before everyone was well and they took us back to the trail. The good Lord puts Angels in places you least expect. This time they moved from Springfield to Blain, PA and I am glad I had the opportunity to get to know them.